Miler Lagos's installation at the MagnanMetz Gallery in New York City is entitled simply "Home". After he finished it, the dome was completely enclosed and self-supporting. Just imagine if you had one of these, consisting entirely of the books that you have read over the course of your life.
Link -via Colossal
Comments (2)
Thing is; I've been studying subjects like neuroscience and while I can read through the chapter on CSF flow that of itself doesn't mean I understand the role the choroid villi play in the production of CSF or the role the arachnoid granulations play in percolating CSF into the superior saggital sinus. It actually takes me a couple of months, on average, to really wrap my head around this kind of material.
On the other hand, I read and understood Animal Farm in about 3 hours. In the last month I haven't completed any books. The closest I've come is within 100 pages of the end of a Bathroom Reader.
But I watched this video on youtube last night that sent me back to the chapter on CSF because they had said that the arachnoid granulations produced CSF and my understanding was that the choroid plexi of the third, fourth and lateral ventricles were responsible, so I had to confirm my understanding by going back to it, now for about the 5th time.
Work to much and really only get to read while I am in the bathroom.