The Pet Fit Club 2012 Finalists

(YouTube link)

A British reality TV show called The Pet Fit Club takes overweight pets and tries to reform their lives. It sounds like a better concept than The Biggest Loser, because we can all root for the pets, who are not only obese through no fault of their own, but also cannot say dumb things to make us dislike them. Their owners, on the other hand.... Link -via The Daily What

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"because we can all root for the pets, who are not only obese through no fault of their own, but also cannot say dumb things to make us dislike them"

Nice editorial comment there on obesity being the fault of the fatties. In most cases, yes it is. Is that a reason not to like someone? I bet you like smokers and drinkers and would have empathy for them if they had lung caner or liver disease.

Funny how Neatorama has a theme of such comments on fatties.
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I hadn't considered that, and I certainly didn't mean to denigrate people over being fat -since I am fat myself.

I meant to denigrate people who willingly go on reality TV shows, because that is almost certain to make you look bad one way or another.
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