Take the Stairs!

Found at Wooster Collective.

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At the high risk of being un-PC (God forbid) there's a huge difference between being injured or disabled and being too lazy to move your legs. They need this sign in the subway at 14th Street / Union Square in Manhattan. My favorite: Able bodied people who stand on the "Down" escalator. Cows.
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Thought this was funny! To previous commenters, my friend has calcium build in her joints, especially her knees so it is painful for her to take stairs. She still is able to take part in karate, and is definitely physically fit. But, a joke is a joke, not a personal attack ;)
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So why does Neatorama hate fat people now? You guys do realize you run a website? That is on the internet? In America? Where there are a ton of "obese" people? Who the hell do you think is reading your blog?
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