Frito Pie, As Served in the Dime Store That Invented It

Frito pie, a delicacy of the American Southwest, consists of Frito chips, chili, cheese, beans and onions. Its origins are a mystery, but one legend places its birth at a Woolworth's lunch counter in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Woolworth's isn't around anymore, but a dime store still resides at that location. It serves Frito pie at a snack bar in the back, with the ingredients poured into a slit open Frito bag.

Look at that picture. You're already getting hungry, aren't you?

Link -via Tasteologie | Photo: Boulder Locavore

Previously: The Origin of Fritos

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Actually, this is fairly common in Mexico. a typical snack sold in "tienditas", little stores found in popular neighborhoods, that in most cases occupy the front of a house.
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they used to serve it at my high school student store in southern california, it's been about 12 years since I have had it...Might need to make a run to the store ASAP.
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