Three Men in Vancouver Decide to Ride Naked in a Shopping Cart through a High-Pressure Car Wash

Surprisingly, alcohol was involved:

After the three intoxicated twenty year olds went to a car wash with a shopping buggy about midnight last night, Abbotsford police posted a tweet warning that pressure washing yourself will not increase "intelligence or sobriety."

The trio had stripped down - loaded themselves into the cart - and selected either "typhoon" or "super typhoon" and tried to wash themselves and the buggy.

The Abbotsford police were alerted when neighbours heard screaming.

The men made it through okay, although police had a few choice words for them.

Link -via Dave Barry | Photo (unrelated) via Flickr user Fortyseven

A lecture and sent home? Only in Canada.

Now, here in the good old USA they would have been tazed, cuffed, arrested for Public Nudity, public drunkenness, disturbing the peace, annoying the nice officers, stealing a shopping cart, using a car wash for non car washing reasons, scaring local alley cats... I could go on but whatever happens it will go on their permanent record!!
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