Here's a rundown of the most famous hoaxes in history. They fooled a lot of people in their time, but we can't say we're smarter than those folks now. The hoaxers are always one step ahead in finding ways to fool us! -via the Presurfer
Comments (4)
We may not be smarter than the people who believed in these hoaxes, but we have easy access to tons and tons of information through the internet. In a way, believing in this sort of things now requires more gullibility than it did before. I don't think anybody today would believe that a machine can transform dirt into food, because the general public is better informed than ever before.
Comments (4)
In a way, believing in this sort of things now requires more gullibility than it did before.
I don't think anybody today would believe that a machine can transform dirt into food, because the general public is better informed than ever before.