Functional Star Trek Tricorder

The glorious march to making Star Trek real continues! We already have PADDs. Now, thanks to Peter Jansen, a researcher at the University of Arizona, we have a Next Generation-style science tricorder. Its sensors can measure temperature, humidity, magnetic fields, color, atmospheric pressure and more.

Okay, that's done. Dr. Jansen, please get to work on a holodeck next.

Link -via DVICE | Previously: A Real Medical Tricorder

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The holodeck is already here:

And the best part is that when they are between programs, the "desktop" looks just like the yellow grid of the inactive Star Trek holodeck!
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Now they need to get going on jet packs that can go further than a few feet in the air connected to a hose or whatever and a few hundred feet. That and flying cars...where are the flying cars we were promised?
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