Fantastic Gypsy Wagon Designs

Gypsies are known for being very colorful people, and their traveling wagon homes reflect their flair for style, and help them stand out from the rest of the caravan.

It's like Pimp My Ride from the old country, and most of them look like they come straight out of a fairy tale, except for the creepy shirtless guys hanging around everywhere.

Head over to Flavorwire and check out these gilded mobile homes for yourself, it may make you want to hit the road and live the life of a nomad.

Link  --image credit: Lenora Genovese

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Sorry for nitpicking, but they are Roma, not gypsies. "Gypsy" is a corruption of the word "Egyptian", which is where people in the Middle Ages guessed they were originally from. They originally came from India.
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These are knockoffs made specifically for sticking in a backyard and letting the kids play in.

Don't get me wrong, I like Taco Bell, but it isn't Mexican food -- and these aren't gypsy caravans that "show their flair".
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@ elagie- thanks for the edit!

@ robin- we link to other articles here, this isn't original content, so I just continue with what the original creator of the content says. If you want to argue history of Roma and gypsies, take it up with the author of the original post on Flavorwire, I just pass it along.
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@ coward-while some may be just pretty display models, it's pretty clear from the photos that some of them are used as homes. Did you bother to look through all the photos before you posted your gripe? If you did, you would have clearly seen people working in and around their homes.
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