Archive for March 28th, 2012

Renaissance Justice League

Jousting against Superman? Better get a lance made out of kryptonite first. I don't know about you guys, but I'd love to see these guys turned into a movie. Link Via Geeks Are Sexycostumes, people, superheroes, Ju...

If Classic Movies Had Morality Choices Like Mass Effect

It's funny to think how movies would play out if characters had to choose between multiple morality choices, like you do in the Mass Effect video game franchise. Things would have turned out quite differe...

Bloom Utensil Set

Bloom Utensil Set - $29.95 Spring has sprung. Are you still looking for a way to add a little sunshine to your dreary kitchen? You need the Bloom Utensil Set from the NeatoShop. This fantastic set includes a vase an...

Let Us Test This Salad for You

Toby, Jenny and Terri are rehabbed squirrels who are apparently all too eager to make sure your food is safe for consumption. LinkFood, Cute, animals, pets, salad, squirrels...

6 Delicious Adult Milkshakes Based on Girl Scout Cookies

Ever dream of getting drunk on Tagalogs or Trefoils? Then you'd better check out this delicious slideshow over at Serious Eats. All I can say is yummy! LinkFood, Drinks, alcohol, milkshakes, girl scout cookies...

A Truly Terrifying Cyclopean Hairdo

Want a new hairdo that will also watch your back? Then check out this cyclops inspired hair creation, which comes to you courtesy of Biglilkim. She really knows how to make an entrance and an exit, and I pity the...

An App That Turns Photos Into Animated GIFs

If you've ever wanted to create GIFs on the fly with your smartphone, but found complexity of existing GIF creation programs like Cinemagraphs daunting, then you have to check out Flixel. Fli...

Custom Gears Of War Digger Launcher

This incredible prop looks like it's been through a hundred years of intergalactic conflict, and appears to weigh a ton, just like the one carried by Boomers in the video game franchise Gears of War. Crea...

Peter The Elephant Plays With A Smartphone

(YouTube Link) Companies make it hard to tell if videos like this one, which shows Peter the Elephant using a Samsung Galaxy smartphone with the help of his lovely assistant, are advertisements or just genuinely cool...

Death Star Dog

That's no moon. It's a dog. Musha had to wear a cone of shame, so his human decorated it to make it more impressive to other dogs in the neighborhood. I'd make one for my dog, but he's more of a Whovian. Link -via...

Per Capita Distribution of Heavy Metal Bands Worldwide

Greedy Scandinavians are hogging most of the world's metal bands to themselves. How should we resolve this gross injustice? Link -via Nag on the Lake | Image: unknownmaps, heavy metal...

Mechawhales Have Come To Save The Day

(YouTube Link) This animated short by Hauke Scheer has it all-action, aliens, and whales in mecha armor powered  by their minds. The one thing this short doesn't have is the music rights to AC/DC's classic song "B...

Fake Science Fair Project: Teddy Bear Birth Defects

What happens when Pure Evil contaminates the drinking water of pregnant teddy bears? Dr. Allison Lonsdale of the Institute for Dangerous Research decided to find out. These were her procedures: 1. A sample of Pure...

Deviled Egg Chicks

Susan of Savoring Time in the Kitchen made these adorable deviled eggs that look like chicks wearing spectacles. The feet and noses are made from carrots and the eyes from olives and pimentos. She says that they're i...

Unusual Unicorn Stompeez Slippers

Unusual Unicorn Stompeez Slippers - $29.95 Stomp, stomp, stomp Easter is on the way. Are you still looking for the perfect Easter basket stuffer for your favorite little monster? You need the Unusual Unicorn Stompeez...

86-Year Old Gymnast Puts You to Shame

(Video Link) Allegedly, this video shows Johanna Quaas performing a gymnastics routine in Cottbus, Germany. When eighty-six years old you reach, look as good, you will not. She can also work the parallel bars....

Parakeets Say The Darndest Things

While visiting the Birds of Eden sanctuary in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa, a tourist captured this video clip of two parakeets having a cute conversation. (My favorite is 0:14...

Categorization of Baked Goods and Pancakes in English and Chinese

J.M. Errington of Haonowshaokao blog is an Englishman who studied linguistsics and is currently teaching English in Beijing, China, so he'd know about this: how to categorize...

Wind Map of the United States

Boy, it sure is windy in the United States! Fernanda Viegas and Martin Wattenberg collaborated to create Wind Map, a visualization of the current wind flowing over the country right now,...

12-Year-Old's Public Punishment for Theft: Tough Love or Child Abuse?

When Joseph Gonzalez found out that his 12-year-old son Jose stole $100 from a family member's wallet, the father decided to punish him in this unusual way: Jos...

Moon Glass

Korean design studio Tale Co. created this clever sake cup that displays the different phases of the Moon as you drink: Link - via The Fox is Black moon, sake...

A Tabby Cat in Tinseltown

An aspiring actor moving to Los Angeles to become famous is a dime a dozen, but the story of Vito Vincent is a bit unusual: you see, Vito's a cat. Poor Vito Vinc...

Art and Personality Venn Diagram

Where do you fall in this Art and Personality Venn Diagram? Link - Via I Love Charts Art, Venn diagram, personality...

Lamborghini Batman is a Real Super Hero

Last week we told you about Batman being pulled over by the police in Montgomery County, Maryland for driving his black Lamborghini without proper plates. There turns out to be much more to the story. This Caped Crusader...

Art with Salt: Ice Age

Jill posted about Bashir Sultani's awesome artwork made entirely with salt, a while ago on Neatorama, but I couldn't resist this new one, where he drew Scrat from Ice Age. I...

54 Artists Create A Unique Set Of Playing Cards

Digital Abstracts, an online design resource, has brought together 54 artists to create an extremely unique deck of playing cards, with an image from each artist on their own card. With some really cool designs, s...

Giant Rats the Size of Cats Attacking Florida

As if hurricanes, alligators and mosquitoes aren't enough, add this to Florida's problems: giant rats the size of cats. The 9-pound Gambian pouched rats are invading the Florida Keys....

Slow Motion Ballet

This one is wonderful: the grace and beauty of ballet, captured in slow mo. Take a look and appreciate the graceful movements of Marina Kanno and Giacomo Bevilaqua from Staatsballett Berlin at 1...

Rejected Dilbert Comics

Scott Adams of Dilbert comics wrote about this cartoon strip that got rejected for some reason. I wonder why ... Link - via Tastefully Offensive Dilbert, Scott Adams...

The Dolphin Mafia

Think that Flipper is all cute and cuddly? Australian researchers have discovered the dark side of dolphin social structure: The male dolphins of Shark Bay, Australia, are...


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