Popcorn Proven Better Than Fruits and Veggies by Science!

The next time your parents told you to eat your fruits and veggies, tell them you'd eat some popcorn instead. After all, it's now been scientifically proven that popcorn is actually healthier:

Joe Vinson, Ph.D., a pioneer in analyzing healthful components in chocolate, nuts and other common foods, explained that the polyphenols are more concentrated in popcorn, which averages only about 4 percent water, while polyphenols are diluted in the 90 percent water that makes up many fruits and vegetables.

In another surprising finding, the researchers discovered that the hulls of the popcorn -- the part that everyone hates for its tendency to get caught in the teeth -- actually has the highest concentration of polyphenols and fiber.

"Those hulls deserve more respect," said Vinson, who is with the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania. "They are nutritional gold nuggets."

Go science! Link

Previously on Neatorama: Chocolate May Help Keep You Thin

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"Cook it in a potful of oil, slather on butter or the fake butter used in many movie theaters, pour on the salt; eat it as "kettle corn" cooked in oil and sugar -- and popcorn can become a nutritional nightmare loaded with fat and calories."

Ok now filing this news under "Food you eat that is healthy, just not in the only way you eat it."
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