Jetbow: The Tim Tebow Sandwich

Get down on your knee and start praying: the venerable Carnegie Deli in Manhattan has introduced a sandwich after the Jets' new backup quarterback Tim Tebow.

The meal will be about 3.5 pounds and contain corned beef, pastrami, roast beef, American cheese, lettuce and tomato on white bread, and will be introduced Monday to coincide with Tebow's press conference.

"He's the poster boy for every parent and what they want their kids to be," owner Sandy Levine said. "Very religious, very clean-cut, an outstanding student, he does charity work. What more do you want as an athlete than him?"


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My thoughts exactly, ripscoin. If you have to work hard to actually see the bread, and if it's impossible to pick the thing up, I wouldn't call it a sandwich.

By the way a common name for American cheese in the UK is listed on Wikipedia as 'plastic cheese'. Enough said. And one a personal note: white bread - gak!
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I'd try one of those, if I could get it with real cheese, instead of American. Especially if the pepper-jack version can be called something other than a Tebow.
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Fact #1: National Coffee Day is a lame marketing gimmick by the National Coffee Association, who represents the big box coffee retailers who promote quantity over quality. Basically, it's a fake holiday to keep reminding everyone to keep drinking the cheap stuff.
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