"I'm standing in a flour storm. I have a carrot nose."

I'm standing in a flour storm. I have a carrot nose.

Performance in Kiasma. Helsinki. 2006

Back in 2006, artist Antti Laitinen performed an artwork titled Snowman, in which he stood in a flour storm, with a carrot nose. That is all, move it along now.

@BR - good it just wasnt me thinking that.

@Alex - I was thinking about that same story and then the story where the cleaning person cleaned an exhibit http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2057696/700k-modern-art-installation-wrecked-cleaner-thought-needed-good-scrub.html
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Maybe Marcel Duchamp isn't the best example of "art" to use.

I can only imagine the reason all those people are standing around watching it is because they hadn't served the free alcohol yet.
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What is art if art has no form?

Poet Robert Frost (four times Pulitzer Prize for Poetry winner, no less) once wrote that writing free verse - that is a form of poetry without any consistent rhyme or meter patterns, was like "playing tennis without a net."

If everything is art, then what really, is art?

Perhaps even "art experts" can't even tell.
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EPJ, I'm guessing some of our art critics wouldn't know Marcel Duchamp unless he was wearing a jacket with STP labels and drove a car endlessly around turning to the left. (Great performance art idea BTW.) The problem isn't the definition of art. It is the necessity of some people to decide that only their definition applies. Portions of the Sistine Chapel ceiling were painted over because they were deemed unworthy, so who can say what is art?
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Sure, this is ridiculous and quite goofy. But look at Marcel Duchamp. By turning a urinal upside down and signing it, he managed to reinvent the world of art.. it takes a lot of creativity (and a lot of opposition) to make a statement. That's the beauty of works like this. Absurd, yes, but you have to appreciate the idea.
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If you're going to make fun of performance art at least think up some entertaining critique. Such mind opening commentary as comparing this guy to "poking around on a computer eating a snack" or "standing in the grocery store" is not getting any half decent point across. I don't normally see people pretending to be snowmen.
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By the same yard stick, the kid I saw standing in the grocery store the other night picking his nose was actually preforming art. Just because someone tells you it is art, don't make it so. My daughter's cat has learned how to turn on my electric piano because he likes the sounds it makes when he walks on the keys. That does not make his music a symphony either, just a tad funny and a bit of an oddity.
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The great thing about Art it is Subjective. Hell, I don't care for it either, but someone does. It's their nickel. We not paying, we are not the audience. Most Art is way over my head.
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