The Inventor Of The EBook Reader Is....Tom Hanks?

Here we see the true inventor of the ebook reader-Tom Hanks, or more precisely the character Josh Baskin that Mr. Hanks plays in the movie Big, holding up his proposal for the invention that was way ahead of its time.

Too bad Josh went back to being a little kid before he could see a profit from his invention. I wonder if any Apple or Amazon execs sat in on that pitch meeting?

Link  --via I'm Remembering

Comments (4)

@ dev_204-the hitchhiker's guide is probably the greatest fictional ebook reader/tablet ever dreamed up, and it does so much more than your average Kindle. Too bad they were all destroyed many decades ago...

@ lechicklet- penny's little electronic book was sooooo cool, and very handy indeed. Now I need to go watch some Inspector Gadget!
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I would say Douglas Adams was the inventor or atleast one of the ones who properly outlined it. Sadly, none of them have DON'T PANIC written in big friendly letters across it.
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