Jill said, "No, John, not that slice. You want this one." I should have known that something was wrong. Hell Kitchen, a pizzeria chain in New Zealand, now offers pizzas which include a slice that is covered with pepper juice:
Link -via Dave Barry | Photo (unrelated) via Flickr user The Pizza Review
The company brags the single scorching slice contains the culinary equivalent of a blast of police pepper spray.
In food terms, the heat-treated piece of pie is roughly 1,000 times stronger than the average jalapeno pepper. [...]
There’s no charge from Hell Pizza for turning your dinner into a torture session — and hence their motto:
"It doesn't cost, but someone pays."
Link -via Dave Barry | Photo (unrelated) via Flickr user The Pizza Review
Newest 5 Comments
Whatever you do, John, don't ever accept a Shamrock Shake from Jill. *shudders* ;)
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Much better than my idea of having a midget run out from behind the counter and randomly Taser a customer in the crotch.
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A local pizza shop has been doing this for over 8 years, with death sauce. :p
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I see epiglottis failure in some future
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We have tradition in Germany where we eat a jam-filled doughnut on New Year's Eve. A sub-tradition sees that one poor sucker on every party gets a mustard-filled one.
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