Homemade Hunting Rig Is a Minivan Mounted on an SUV

Remember the luxury, high-tech hunting rig called the Critter Gitter? This isn't it. This beautiful work of folk art, currently on sale at eBay, is a Ford Aerostar minivan welded to the top of a Chevrolet Suburban. You drive it from the top level.

Not the way you hunt? That's okay. Just use it as a commuter vehicle.

Link -via Jalopnik

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With a wind coefficency equall to the side of a barn,no wonder he has a tow bar permently attached.
For what they would spend on fuel,they could have hired a chopper with a cute attendant for less.And whatever AGFH says Wes said,whatever Wes said,I most certainly agree.
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Perfect for my Zombie-Apocalypse mobile command center.

Will have to add a .50-cal to the roof and MacGyver something up to make those stairs retractable!
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