Animated GIFs-The Birth Of A Medium

(YouTube Link)

GIFs are a fun little party for your desktop, and as a digital medium they are officially 25 years old! This seven minute documentary, from Off Book by PBS Arts, takes us on a tour of this multi-framed wonder. Despite the overuse of annoying host close-up shots, it's a fun and informative way to celebrate the GIF.

Link  --via DesignTAXI

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As I and others who have seen this in other parts of the net have said - The acronym is Graphic Interchange Format. The "G" is a hard "G" sound, not a soft "G".
I anxiously await the next installment on "Internet Meems."

There is some sort of irony in that the production was about GIFs is nearly seven minutes long. Someone from 4Chan or YTMND needs to turn it into a gif.
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