Will Eating Red Meat Kill You?

Thinking of eating a burger today? Keep this in mind: according to new research study, eating red meat - any amount and any type - increases your risk of dying early:

For instance, adding just one 3-ounce serving of unprocessed red meat — picture a piece of steak no bigger than a deck of cards — to one's daily diet was associated with a 13% greater chance of dying during the course of the study.

Even worse, adding an extra daily serving of processed red meat, such as a hot dog or two slices of bacon, was linked to a 20% higher risk of death during the study.

On the other hand, eating white meat like chicken or pork is linked with reduction in the risk of premature death:

Eating a serving of nuts instead of beef or pork was associated with a 19% lower risk of dying during the study. The team said choosing poultry or whole grains as a substitute was linked with a 14% reduction in mortality risk; low-fat dairy or legumes, 10%; and fish, 7%.

But can you stop eating delicious oh so delicious red meat?

Link (Image: T-Bone Steak Plush - apparently the only safe form of meat)

mrph, i thought this was a BS study the first time i heard about it a week or two back. the controls were terrible and they gathered so much data from so many dissimilar people that it's virtually worthless. it's kinda like that old saying, "if you hunt for a witch hard enough, eventually you'll find one", meaning that the data could be interpreted to mean whatever the "researchers" want it to mean, even if it's not scientifically sound or accurate. geez, even my 8th grade science class had better controls set up than this "study"!

while not scientific, here's a personal anecdote: my great-grandmother ate beef at least three times a week, along with pork and chicken. she also allowed herself one beer almost every day. all of that was purchased from a regular grocery store. yet, she lived to be nearly 94 years old!

my point is that, while i certainly agree that eating naturally-produced food whenever possible is the preferable option, people need to take most food studies like this with a massive, enormous grain of salt.
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Yet another diet study with poor controls. Did they account for grass fed vs. all grain diet vs. grain finished? Did they use any bison meat? Just like Blake said above, supermarket beef is not the best stuff. Every cattle rancher I know, and that is many, won't touch supermarket beef. In comparison to the more humanely raised and slaughtered beef it is sour due to the high stress in the high density feed lot and killing process. That just can't be good for you.
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Here! Educate yourselves!


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I assume the red meat was not grass fed? Saying "all red meat" when they did not, in fact, test "all red meat" is irresponsible. We've known for years that there is a major difference between the quality of meat found in feedlot cattle and those found in local, grass fed animals. Avoid the former at all costs. And eat the later to your heart's content.
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Haven't read the study.

+Hate to use this tired-a** trope, but this really sounds like an instance of Correlation != Causation.

-The things Red Meat consumption is Associated With, not necessarily the [unprocessed] meat itself.

More looking-into, though...
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I've heard this kind of claim before, doing "X" will shorten your life by "Y". So I don't eat red meat ever again, is my life already shorter for having eaten it before now? How would I know? What else do you eat or drink with the meat, how does that effect the outcome? With bun or without? Ketchup with sugar or high fructose corn syrup? Grilled (potential carcinogens) or very rare, risking e-coli? To many variables to make such a declaritive statement.
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Certainly people who choose to avoid red meat usually work at living a healthier lifestyle. How would this study fair if we also correlate the data with exercise, eating more fresh foods, etc.? Chowing down on fast food burgers, smoking, and avoiding exercise would be a no-brainer on shortened life. What if I'm exercising, eating healthy (fruit, veg, whole grains), a non-smoker, AND I eat beef? My guess is this would be comparable to someone that also lived a healthy life style but without beef. At any rate, not giving up red meat.
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Leaving the house also significantly increased your chances of dying early. Assuming you don't die in your home from slipping in the tub or falling off a ladder.
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My thoughts are that it's taking those percentages off the end years of life and who wants to end ones anyway? :)

You would be hard pressed to find anything nice to say about beef other than it is effing delicious and maybe something about it being rich in vitimin b's. Cutting red meat out of a diet is certainly healthier, but as the mood of the comments above illustrates, what average Joe really cares?
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From the study

Men and women with higher intake of red meat were less likely to be physically active and were more likely to be current smokers, to drink alcohol, and to have a higher body mass index (Table 1). In addition, a higher red meat intake was associated with a higher intake of total energy but lower intakes of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Unprocessed and processed red meat consumption was moderately correlated (r = 0.40 in the HPFS and 0.37 in the NHS)
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Yea, they come up with these kind of studies every few years. I sure as hell will be eating a nice big piece of meat this evening. I'll take a 13% shorter lifespan to enjoy steak for those remaining decades...
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Don't worry, there will be a new "research study" (I put it in quotes because I take all these "studies" with a grain of salt) tomorrow that will say that there is some special enzyme/amino acid in Red Meat that fights "X" Disease and doesn't actually increase risk of dying early. And then next week Red Meat might burn down your house. And then the week after that Red Meat will do your taxes.
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