Guys, has a woman ever left you tongue-tied by her mere presence? There may be a scientific reason. Researchers at Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands performed the Stroop test -- a classic test of cognitive performance -- on men and women. The experimental groups were told that they were being observed by either male or female observers during the test. Men, when told that a woman was observing them, did poorly:
Link | Photo: Flickr user Osamu Uchida
Once again, women’s performance on the test did not differ, regardless of whether they were expecting a man or woman to observe them. But men who had been told a woman would observe them ended up doing much worse on the second Stroop task. Thus, simply anticipating the opposite sex interaction was enough to interfere with men’s cognitive functioning.
Link | Photo: Flickr user Osamu Uchida
Even a cute girl watching shouldn't make a difference;
-doesn't mean you have a shot, doesn't make her worth it, good, smart, non-trashy, loyal, disease-free, honest, non-goldigger, etc.
Besides, even looks mean nothing more than 10% scrubbing up and not weighing 400 lbs and 45% her parents' genetics, and 45% youth.
But above a certain cuteness threshold, it's about who she is anyway.
Sounds like these scientists studied a bunch of AFC amateurs.