"What's Opera, Doc?" to a Modern Beat

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Eighteen years ago, professional animators voted the classic Bugs Bunny cartoon "What's Opera, Doc?" the greatest animated film of all time. I would certainly agree that it and "The Rabbit of Seville" are the greatest Bugs Bunny cartoons ever. Here's dj BC's quick-paced remix that adds hip hop beats to "What's Opera, Doc?"

-via Boing Boing | dj BC's Website

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They're good. They're very good. But not the best.

There is, of course, the ineffable Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2 Century.

There is the indescribabable Duck Amuck.

There is Rabbit Fire. ("Rabbit Season! Duck Season!")

And I'd like to offer up a personal favourite, Compressed Hare (probably the best of the four Bugs v Wile E Coyote cartoons.)

My 10c.
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I am having mixed opinions.
Does this suck?
Or does it blow?

Part of the original humor was the use of Wagner's opera in a cartoon setting.
The "hip-hop" overlaying merely distracts.
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