Now That's A Dedicated WOW Player

Getting a full back tattoo dedicated to World of Warcraft is a pretty big sign of your dedication. I mean, that means that even 30 years from now you'll still have to prefer it over Star Wars Old Republic, DC Universe Online, Rift, or any of the thousand other awesome MMOs that will come out in that time. Otherwise, you'll just look like a hypocrite, and no one wants that.

Link Via Geekologie

Eh, this is more than just WoW dedication, in a few ways. It's Worgen, or for those that never played, Werewolves. And they're Victorian-ish. Meaning you can slam some Steampunk, toss in a little Underworld/Universal Monsters, and shake a little D&D on for flavor. Besides, isn't that armor bitchin'? So it's a little different than JUST a tat that showed your love for "Pokemon Gold and Silver" or "The Death of Superman" at age 80...but I just might be biased. Love me some hairy rogues.
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