15 Truly Bizarre Mental Delusions

When people suffer from delusions, they can take off in remarkable directions. For example, imagine not being able to trust that the people you know are really the people you know, as in Fregoli Delusion.
Fregoli delusion, which is named after the Italian actor Leopoldo Fregoli, is a condition that leads one to believe a specific person is using disguises to impersonate others you cross paths with. The first recorded case involved a female theatre-goer who believed two of the actors were secretly pursuing her by disguising themselves as other people she knew or met.

Modern technology and communications have only added to the repertoire of strange delusions. Read about 15 of them in the linked post. Link -via the Presurfer

(Image credit: Flickr user Johnson Cameraface)

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Altered Egos by Todd E. Feinberg. Great book on delusions especially that pertain to self-concept like Reverse Intermetamorphosis. It also includes detailed descriptions of Cotard's, Capgras, Depersonalization, Derealization and the rest.

Of course these say nothing of the more common delusions in a society; that is those that actually drive the bulk of society.
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