Wyoming Considers Acquiring an Aircraft Carrier

Wyoming's legislature is considering a bill that would establish a commission to draw up a plan to prepare the state for the collapse of the United States government. Should that event ever occur, Wyoming's government would need to act as a national government by sustaining a currency, ensuring international commerce and providing military defense among other tasks. One provision of the bill would instruct the task force to examine:

[...] conditions under which the state of Wyoming should implement a draft, raise a standing army, marine corps, navy and air force and acquire strike aircraft and an aircraft carrier.

Wait, an aircraft carrier? It's not a completely ridiculous proposition, argues Kevin Underhill:

The state does not have a whole hell of a lot of water, to be honest. It appears that its largest lake is Yellowstone Lake, which on average is about 140 feet deep. (Yes, it's in a national park now, but that wouldn't matter, would it?) The draft of a Midway-class carrier, which you can probably find on eBay for cheap, was only 33 feet; even the biggest carrier available (Nimitz-class) only needs about 40 feet of water to float. So yes, assuming they could find one and figure out a way to get it in there, the people of Wyoming could potentially have their own aircraft carrier. It might not have much room to putt around in, but still.


P.S. Don't dismiss the notion just because Wyoming is landlocked -- it wouldn't be the first landlocked nation to have a navy.

Hi i am from Wyoming and i have actually read the bill. spoiler alert butter-bot you didnt, proving 'ass hats' come from every state. Thanks neatorama for the story :)
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I was kind of on board with the whole "plan for the apocalypse" thing, but now I see they just have their heads up their arses. Sure, there have been navies on land-locked waterways, but those boats were either small enough to transport on a trailer or were built on-site. Did any of these ass-hats even look up how big an aircraft carrier is and whether it can be transported overland (spoiler alert: it can't)?
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