The Steak Wedding Proposal

The Beefeater Grill in the UK is taking the proverb "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" seriously. Very seriously.

Ladies, if you want to propose to your man on Leap Day, ditch the ring and dial up the steak:

Beefeater Grill is offering would-be wedded women a romantically branded 7oz Rump Steak with the words 'Will you marry me?" to be served on Wednesday 29th February.

While it's tradition for men to drop to one knee and pop the big question this has been reversed on leap days -- with some claiming it's because February 29th had no status in English Law.

Amanda Barnett, a spokesperson for Beefeater Grill, said; “As all women know only too well, if we wait for the man of our dreams to make a move we could well be waiting for a long time!

"So at Beefeater Grill, we’d like to offer a helping hand to those gutsy girls who are going to take a chance and tell their partners exactly how they feel. Break a leg ladies.”

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