Proving that she's still every bit the warrior she was when she played Xena Warrior Princess on the popular TV show, Lucy Lawless and fellow Greenpeace activists took control of an oil drilling ship off the coast of New Zealand yesterday to stop them from drilling in the Arctic and potentially causing environmental damage. Here's what the brave and beautiful Ms. Lawless had to say about the incident via live-tweet:
…The world has been putting fossil fuels in the air and the scientists have been screaming from the rooftops. The fact that now the major oil companies are spearheading this mad oil dash to the Arctic, one of the most pristine environments left on the planet, it’s the definition of madness. They think the melting ice caps is not a warning to humanity about climate change—they think it’s an invitation. This is unacceptable. We cannot allow our grandchildren to grow up with a terrible burden. That’s what we’re doing here today. Hands off the Arctic!
I bet the crew on board the oil drilling ship were glad that she didn't bring any Chakram (razor discs) with her, but wearing her battle armor during the hijacking would have been a nice touch!
--via The Mary Sue
Comments (40)
Hope she has a very good lawyer.
Either Greenpeace, Jamie Frevele (the writer) or both, don't know one end of the planet from the other.