In an exercise to prove how easy it is to build a camera, photographer Carl-Frederic Salicath has built a twin-lens reflex camera out of LEGO bricks and a pair of binoculars. Here's how it was done:
While the body is made up of LEGO bricks, the camera’s lens came from an old pair of binoculars.
For the viewfinder, Salicath has used a mirror and a matte ground glass and as for the shutter and aperture, he built plates (single technic-pieces).
Lastly, Salicath employed brackets and rods from a technic kit to build the film chamber that also has a rewind mechanism.
Salicath has included instructions on how to build one for yourself (LINK), you know, in case Ebay is down and you need a twin-lens reflex camera for a photo shoot that afternoon.
This is perfect for a post-apocalyptic photographer who is stuck with a box of LEGO bricks, some binoculars, and a ton of 120 film. For the rest of us, it's probably cheaper and easier to just pick up an old used reflex camera at this point, but if you're the type that enjoys LEGO AND a challenge, then have fun building and let us know how it turns out!
Link --via DesignTAXI