Yes, that fellow is a vagabond -- a criminal of some sort -- but what kind? There is a taxonomy, for not all rogues are alike. In 1566, English writer Thomas Harman created one, and eleven years later, William Harrison published a complete list. Here are the male vagabonds:
You can find the list for females at the link. In the comment, identify which villainous profession you have adopted.
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The several disorders and degrees amongst our idle vagabonds:
1. Rufflers (thieving beggars, apprentice uprightment)
2. Uprightmen (leaders of robber bands)
3. Hookers or anglers (thieves who steal through windows with hooks)
4. Rogues (rank-and-file vagabonds)
5. Wild rogues (those born of rogues)
6. Priggers of prancers (horse thieves)
7. Palliards (male and female beggars, traveling in pairs)
8. Fraters (sham proctors, pretending to beg for hospitals, etc.)
9. Abrams (feined lunatics)
10. Fresh-water mariners or whipjacks (beggars pretending shipwreck)
11. Dummerers (sham deaf-mutes)
12. Drunken tinkers (thieves using the trade as a cover)
13. Swadders or peddlers (thieves pretending to be peddlers)
14. Jarkmen (forgers of licenses) or patricoes (hedge priests)
You can find the list for females at the link. In the comment, identify which villainous profession you have adopted.
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