Sure superhero fan art can be fun on its own, but you know what’s better? Non-superheroes suddenly transformed into amazing men and women of comic book lore. Sure they might not be as good at saving the world, but from an aesthetic perspective, they’re way more fun.
Perhaps one of the most epic superhero mashup artworks around is this great Futurama X-Men Meld by DeviantArt user Gottabecarl. Can you identify all of the characters in this massive artwork? Be warned, you might have to head to his DeviantArt page just to be able to see them all in their full scale.
If there was anyone Muppet that best matches Wolverine, DeviantArt user Rahzzah totally nailed it as Animal. That being said, I don’t know how well Beaker would serve as any superhero. He’s not exactly the bravest Muppet around. Personally, I think casting Miss Piggy as Phoenix seems like a much more natural choice.
Community Characters
When the jury was still out on whether or not Community would be renewed for another season, artist Aviv Or expressed his feelings on the matter by showing just how much he thought of the show’s characters. Personally, I adore the idea of Abed playing the role of Professor X.
The Smurfs and Archie
Ever wonder where Mystique got all those tiny skulls on her belt? Caanan Grall has the answer with this single frame that explains so much about her back story. While it might not be as informative, his take on Clark Kent taking over for Archie is certainly just as entertaining.
Ren & Stimpy
Have you ever wondered what Batman and Robin would be like if they were mixed with a grouchy Chihuahua and a obese house cat? DeviantArt user Stejam13 has your answer with this wonderful combination of the classic comic and the legendary Nicktoon, Ren & Stimpy.
Meowvel Vs Catcom
Marvel Vs. Capcom might be a great game, but there was definitely something missing. Fortunately, DeviantArt user Suzuran figured out what the missing element was –cats. Finally the game concept has been fully fleshed out.
Marvel Cats
Speaking of Marvel and cats, as it turns out, there are plenty of artists with the same idea of combining these two wonderful things. Ryan King imagined what would happen if kitty Electra got a hold of a scratching post. Rose of Izzy’s Squiggles knows just what Spidercat would do with his amazing web-shooting abilities. And Katie Cook knows why Spidercat (along with most super felines) would be terrible at rescuing people. All of these artists have other Marvel kitty mashups at their sites, so if you like their styles, don’t forget to click the links.
Ghost Rider Kitty
Matthew Warlick might not have multiple kitty hero mashups, but his feline Ghost Rider certainly stands on its own with its flaming skull and sweet leather jacket.
Charlie Brown
Who knew that the Peanuts gang could blend so seamlessly with the stars of Hellboy? Artist Francesco Francavilla certainly did, and that’s why his Hellbrown mashup seems so darn perfect.
I know I’m not the only one that could never accept Prince as a tough guy in Purple Rain. Of course, if you just switched him out with Batgirl like artist Cliff Chiang did, now you have a believable story line.
When Disney took over Marvel, artist Alfredo Lopez Jr. immediately realized that this would become the natural progression of the comics. On the upside, Mickey has probably never looked so cool before.
Angry Birds
What happens when Angry Birds team up to take on the forces of darkness? Ryan of Dirty Splash Back can show you with his massive collection of images of the birds decked out in hero costumes. His blog has tons more superbirds, but I think it’s seriously lacking pigs in villain outfits.
You’d think that wearing a pink Galactus costume would at least be slightly less embarrassing than a giant pink bunny suit, but it seems poor Ralphie is just as miserable either way. Of course, maybe artist Andy J. Hunter has gotten to the real root of the problem in this picture –Ralphie doesn’t hate the costumes, he just hates pink.
If stormtroopers are evil and Venom is evil, then the two together must be evil squared, which means spidertrooper has a heck of a fight on his hands if he’s ever going to get out of this one. If you like this image, then don’t miss DeviantArt user JonBolerjack’s gallery where he has even more stormtrooper comic book mashups for your viewing pleasure.
Scott Pilgrim
Yes, Scott Pilgrim already was a comic book, but for all those who complain it is too “girly,” DeviantArt user Whoisrico has just the solution to make it a little more manly –mix it up with the X-Men.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
How do you make the Ninja Turtles even more awesome? Turn them into Marvel Characters, of course. And while the turtles themselves are cool, artist Dean Fraser’s take on Shredder turned into Magneto might just be the coolest mashup he’s done yet. Need another weird level to his work? How about the fact that all of these mashed up characters are done for his Springfield Punx blog, which means they’re done in the style of The Simpsons…as if The Simpsons wanted to include the Ninja Turtles, but wanted them to be Marvel characters as well. Is your mind blown yet?
Amy Pond
Delivering Kiss-O-Grams is a hard job, particularly when it involves traveling across the universe through time and space. Who knows though, maybe the job is a bit easier in the D.C. Universe as captured by artist Michael Magtanong.
Something tells me that apathetic Daria wouldn’t exactly make the best superhero. In fact, I wouldn’t want to put my life in the hands of any of these X-Men, no mater how well-drawn they are by artist SRA. I’ll admit, there are way too many of these to fill one Neatorama article, so if you have some favorite superhero mashup art that wasn’t included here, please share a link to it. The more the better! Of course, you might have an idea for a mashup that hasn’t been done yet. If so, please share it in the comments, you never know, maybe someone else will see it and make your vision a reality.
Years ago, I sketched the Looney Tunes character Gossamer in a Captain America costume to create Captain GossAmerica. I also sketched Iron Marv (Marvin the Martian/Iron Man) and The Mighty Pork (Porky Pig/Thor), and I think I started on Duckeye (Daffy Duck/Hawkeye), and had a ton of other ideas. Unfortunately, I'm definitely not much of an artist, so I didn't go any farther. Hmmm, I wonder where I have those sketches...§ion=&q=Airbender+Charlie+Brown#/d4dx66q