Mickey the Firefighting Cat

(Video Link)

I'm sure many people will consider this to be animal abuse, but given how old the video is, I think we can overlook any cruelty in favor of something this cute.

Via BoingBoing

I think he's panting cause he's freaked out...nothing really bad happening...he's just working' himself up and he's hot. My cats do that in the car when they're hot & nervous.
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How is this animal abuse? I didn't see anyone doing anything to the cat. Unless someone put him on the pole (in which case, he's clearly used to it and knows what to do), he did everything under his own steam.
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Why, Mickey goes out every night with his tool kit, a small bottle of kerosene, two oily rags and his trusty zippo! Yes Mickey sure does love to feed his ever increasing lust for arson and murder! Lets just hope the old boys at the fire house never match those paw prints, ain't that right Mickey?
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