Mir Ist so Langweilig, which Google Translate renders as I'm so Bored, has potential, unless you prefer your science fiction hard boiled. Battlestar Galactica it is not. What do you think is happening in the story?
Ok, let me explain: The Moonwoman is bored because there are only her father - the Man in rhe Moon - and neutrums there. She gets the idea a man from Earth would be exciting and goes there in a rocket. She loses bits of her costume, because she is not used to obstructions and plays with a snake. Then she does find humans, but after dancing with them (and being laughed at) she decides there is not a man for here on Earth either and she's bored again. Her father and a neutrum come looking for her and as the savages accidently start that rocket for some reason she holds on to it, stranding her dad and his friend.
Now if I may ask, how did she come to be, if there is one man and a bunch of neutrals?
Now if I may ask, how did she come to be, if there is one man and a bunch of neutrals?