Watch a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Give Birth

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Behold the miracle of childbirth. If you've ever been in a delivery room, you know what I mean. It's an amazing sight to watch this mother's babies pop out and begin crawling around, exploring a world new to them.

-via io9

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I did not know that the hissing cockroach gave birth to live young and found it most disturbing, yet fascinating. I admire nature in all of it's splendid glory, and try hard to put my kill it with fire impulse aside, but in this case I would have to go all Ripley on this queen.
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my emotions are the same as matt...i also didnt know they gave live birth...john...this was too early in the morning for me to view this....roaches are a big fear for me(shivers)
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I found it interesting. Looks painful to be honest, wouldn't kill her after that labor. Pushing out something taking up most of your internal space, no thanks.
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