Lunch Bags Inspected for Nutrition

A preschooler in Raeford, North Carolina, was given a school cafeteria lunch when a state inspector deemed her sack lunch inadequate by USDA nutritional standards. The 4-year-old girl ate three chicken nuggets from the cafeteria meal.
The girl’s turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, and apple juice did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines, according to the interpretation of the agent who was inspecting all lunch boxes in her More at Four classroom that day.

The Division of Child Development and Early Education at the Department of Health and Human Services requires all lunches served in pre-kindergarten programs — including in-home day care centers — to meet USDA guidelines. That means lunches must consist of one serving of meat, one serving of milk, one serving of grain, and two servings of fruit or vegetables, even if the lunches are brought from home.

When home-packed lunches do not include all of the required items, child care providers must supplement them with the missing ones.

The girl’s mother — who said she wishes to remain anonymous to protect her daughter from retaliation — said she received a note from the school stating that students who did not bring a “healthy lunch” would be offered the missing portions, which could result in a fee from the cafeteria, in her case $1.25.

Now, you may think that apple juice, potato chips, and a banana would count as at least two fruits or vegetables, but it appears to be a matter of interpretation. Jani Kozlowski of the state's Division of Child Development said there was nothing wrong with the bagged lunch, and the parent should not have been charged for the cafeteria meal. She hinted that the school may need more "technical assistance," meaning training. Link -via reddit

(Image credit: Flickr user Jeffrey Beall)

Many moons ago when I was a kid I always HATED to drink milk with most food (though I did love cereal). I rarely even would drink it with cookies or peanut butter. Almost every carton of milk I was forced to take with my lunch ended up in the trash or with another kid.

In college, I learned just how eurocentric (and even dangerous) forcing milk on children really is. Only a few populations in the world retain the ability to digest milk after weaning. Most of those populations are northern European with a few in Africa and Asia. In fact, a majority of the world's population is lactose intolerant.

I can't believe that the school threw away a perfectly good lunch and forced a kid to eat processed 'chicken' nuggets instead. The person who did that should be fired since they obviously have NO understanding of nutrition or the eating habits of children!
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MAY need training? You substitute a turkey sandwich, banana, apple juice, and tater chips for CHICKEN NUGGETS and so you MAY need training? Darn freak'n right you do. But you know what I, and perhaps the majority of the US, thinks about this? "STAY OUT OF OUR KIDS' LUNCH BAGS!"

And another thing- required to have milk? Hey, ever stop to think that some children are lactose intolerant? You going to tell a fifth grader that they have to have it, even if they're going to have terrible plumbing problems later, because it's required?

If we continue to have these problems with our government forcing us to live, think, breed, and even EAT a certain way we're moving to Europe.
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This story is ridiculous! I thought this was the United States of America. What happened to individual liberty and personal responsibility? A state inspector snatching a lunch from a 4-year old tot because a turkey sandwich isn't "nutritious enough"? I'd expect something like that in Cuba or North Korea, but not in the U.S.A.! We need to throw every one of these bums out of office! It is not the government's business to intrude in my personal life and tell me how to raise my child. Do we still live in a free country or not?
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The line is crossed when an individual isn't given the opportunity to make their own choices. In the case of a child it is up to the parent to make the appropriate choice for the child. It should be no business of a school authority to make a judgment call as to what is considered healthy. Most mothers or fathers are going to provide a child with a reasonably healthy lunch. There will be a few cases out of many who fail to adequately pack a child's lunch but that is life. Its impossible to control everyone and nor should we try. Things will happen and life goes on. The responsible individuals, the majority of Americans, should not be made to change how they live their life based a few less than responsible individuals. If America is allowed to head down a path where everyone is told how to think then there will less people striving to think for the selves and therefore weakening America as a whole. We've made it to appoint where there are 7 billion people in the world so I think human beings have been perfectly fine when it comes to thinking for and feeding themselves.
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Please check the facts on this one. The child is enrolled in the NC Pre-K program, which is geared to low-income and at-risk kids. Part of the program is to ensure that each child has an adequate lunch (they have nutritional standards for the schools that participate in this program), and they provide supplemental food if the child does not bring an adequate lunch (low-income, remember? Fresh veggies are expensive).

There was no state or federal inspector to inspect the lunches, but a researcher who evaluates how the school complies with the Pre-K program. The mother had requested that the school not provide the child with milk and vegetables, since she was under the mistaken idea that she would be charged for them (she's under the threshold to be charged and would not be charged).

Someone at the school noticed that the child did not have milk, and instructed her to get milk. Through a mixup, the child got a full extra lunch. There was no forcing of food, throwing away of a home-made lunch, or any other type of force feeding (unless one counts making sure a child has milk to drink).

The North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education has released a statement here:

Local news story with the actual facts here:
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My thoughts exactly. How are chicken nuggets better than turkey and cheese?

Aside from that, this governing of lunches is ridiculous, it's not going to correct poor eating habits at home or outside of school, which is what they're hoping for. And preschoolers just don't EAT much.


Agreed, school lunch veggies are often terrible, and really, it IS a stretch to expect that sort of thing. >_>
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FWIW, it was a state 'inspector' that made the call here, not federal.

My first thought on this story was, did the girl get any vegetables with the hot lunch? And if so, did the veggies end up in the trash bin with the other 90% of the vegetables that are served in the public school lunches? Miss C. hit it dead on; a 4 year old will only eat a small amount, and at that age they are as fussy as they'll ever be. A parent will typically pack a lunch with those things the kid will actually eat; handing her a tray with an institutional hot lunch on it and expecting her to eat it is a real stretch.
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In a casual reading of the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-265) by me I did not see anything about a 'food police' having this sort of authority. In fact the only thing it talks about that the feds (Secretary of Educ. and Secretary of Health and Human Services) would provide guidance and technical assistance. Its intent was to provide a framework for the creation of local policies for promoting student wellness through education and what foods were offered throughout the campus by the school's administration. It looks like another example of the typical draconian re-intepreation of current laws to promote political agendas that is becoming all to common lately. Just like the Civil Rights Act has been used to justify hiring quota or college acceptance quotas (There is absolutely no mention of quotas anywhere in that Act) this one has been used to justify the creation of a 'food police' with the authority to over-ride the parent's decisions regarding their childs dietary needs. Yes, the act was passed by Republicans (just as it took a Republican congress to get the Civil Rights Act passed in the 1960's) but how any Act is currently being implimented and enforced can be blamed on whatever administration is currently in power since they are responsible for determining what guidelines are given to ensure compliance.
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A few people have said this before, but it's worth repeating: it doesn't matter whether this has to do with Republicans or Democrats. The fact that the girl's healthy lunch was forcibly taken from her by the school under the guise of 'nutrition' and was then given unhealthy processed chicken nuggets is outrageous. And then they had the audacity to charge them for it.
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@dilligaf69 & Earl Sweatbands
I fully agree with both of you, it's not about democrat versus republican and never has been. It is about rich versus poor. It is about the profit margin. It is about privatization of our noblest institutions.
I just can't stand the stupid scapegoating, invented facts and thoughtless statements attributing all our country's faults to "libs", "liberals" and our current president. I get a little sick defending (them) him but facts are facts and you have to invent your own to make a point...
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Her lunch sounds great to me.
How about they tell me why my nieces are eating PIZZA for breakfast at their school. Why is THAT better than what this girl was given by her parents.
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Honestly what is the world coming to? How can the people in charge be this unbelievably stupid and self-righteous? Swapping sandwiches for chicken nuggets...
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This is simply the result of living in a nation where no one cares about anything other than revenue and profits. It's a thinly-disguised way to force children to pay for their meals, thus generating more revenue, under the guise of "proper nutrition". 90% of school food is garbage that'd be rejected by the scuzziest of chain restaurants, cardboard scraps are more "nutritious" than that crap. People like to pretend things like this are some sort of "lib vs. conservative"-based issue but that's not it at all, it's all about wringing as much cash as possible out of the students. Nothing will ever change in this country until we realize that making a profit is not always the most important aspect of everything.
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It is absolutely essential that every day every child in America gets: one serving of meat, one serving of milk, one serving of grain, two servings of fruit or vegetables, and one serving of statism.
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@F. Tupp, I am an actual liberal. I won't be voting for Obama, he's too far right for me, but I do want you to know that comments have consequences too. Take a moment to fact check yourself. These inspections are a result of legistion (Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-265), would you care to take a guess who would have signed that one in to law? Unless you think Obama has a time machine and mind control drugs that would be the Bush administration and the 109th congress, care to take a crack at who had control of the house and senate? Same folks that instituted full body real time x-ray machines and cavity searches in airports, detained people indefinitely in foreign prisons and tried to make it a crime to take coma patients off of life support. Same folks who replaced education with standardized testing. You can blame democrats for their failure to grow a pair and fight the neo-Orwellian scum that wrote this garbage but not for the laws themselves. Please think before you type.
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A significant number of people are lactose intolerant, but they're required to have dairy in every lunch anyway?

A lesser but still important number of people are vegetarians of some variety -- in many cases due to religious beliefs -- but they're required to have meat in every lunch anyway?

And who in their right mind thinks chicken nuggets are healthier than a turkey & cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread?
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This is how you create a generation of sheep. Create an environment where our children become accustomed to having every aspect of their lives examined for approval by governmental bureaucrats. Big Brother loves you.
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Part of me is outraged that they have government lunch inspectors in school and that our tax money is being used to pay for this violation of parents' right to raise their children.

The other part of me is asking... well, what do you honestly expect when sending your kid to a government run school? In general, most parents are more than happy to push the responsibility of educating their children off onto the government without even a second thought. Many even look to the schools to raise their kids. Then they are "shocked" when the government actually does assume the role of mommy and daddy.

There is no such thing as an unbiased education and "public education" is a euphemism. If you want you kids to learn to look to government to solve all their problems, then send them to a government run school. This is just more proof of that.
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I'm sure those three nuggets of processed leftover chicken parts provided all the healthy nutrition that was missing from the bagged lunch. Good job, school!
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This irritates the heck out of me. If I was the parent of the child in question I would be meeting face to face with the school demanding they leave my child's lunch alone and that they could go pound sand for the $1.25 they are charging me for the forced feeding. I would probably have to restrain myself from making threats of violence against the "inspector" who caused all of this.
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I vividly recall reading that Dr. Spock said a preschooler's lunch is fine if you give two things: something filling and something that's a fruit OR vegetable, as long as the kid will eat it. Four-year-olds don't eat a lot at one sitting.

The one year we didn't get subsidized lunches, I packed them every day. We did fine until the school banned peanut butter. After that, it was chips and salsa and pop tarts every day.
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