Cat Breading

This is why the Internet exists. The long march of human progress has finally ended; we have reached our destination. Rest and rejoice in our accomplishments. Then:

1) Take a piece of bread
2) Cut a hole approximately 1 inch larger than your cat's head. This trips some people up. Remember: the bread has to fit around not just the cat's head, but it's ears, too.
3) Gently place the bread around your cat's head.
4) Take a picture & post it! We love Cat Breading!

Link -via Nerdcore

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Your cat does not enjoy this nor find it funny. Just goes to show how stupid society has gotten, go swallow a bottle of poison if you're so damn bored.
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^^^^"Choolrins', choolrins'!!" ^^^^

Sorry, but my cat-breading website would include kitties in Shake n' Bake breading, some baked into loaves, others of cats kneading various pastry doughs.....Can you imagine part of your day devoted to the next hapless chat with a simple piece of pain framing their expressionless faces???
I can. It took all of .8 minutes to decide that perusing cats with breaded head frames was precious time unitized poorly!
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