So. Junior is out of college and going into the workforce. What's a helicopter parent to do?
a) Let the young adult gain independence and navigate his own way through
b) Talk to HR to see if he can get a better salary. A little nudge can't
From NPR's All Things Considered:
Margaret Fiester of the Society for Human Resource Management, or SHRM, says when it comes to parents acting as lobbyists, she's heard it all — from parents calling to negotiate better salaries or vacation time for their kids to complaining when their child isn't hired. "Surely you've overlooked these wonderful qualities that my child has," Fiester says parents often tell her.
Michigan State University surveyed more than 700 employers seeking to hire recent college graduates. Nearly one-third said parents had submitted resumes on their child's behalf, some without even informing the child. One-quarter reported hearing from parents urging the employer to hire their son or daughter for a position. Four percent of respondents reported that a parent actually showed up for the candidate's job interview.
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It happened to me twice, and clearly was a good help for my decision making : no interview, no job :(
i disagree
helicopter parents are patronizing and ultimately self absorbed
if you really care about your kid you will have enough foresight to recognize how such erratic behavior will negatively influence your childs life and learn to hold it back
i mean seriously people