School Bus Bicycle

Did your father say that he walked to school when he was your age? In the snow? Uphill? Both ways?

Well, that ain't so hardcore. In the Netherlands, kids have to pedal their school bus:

Built by Tolkamp Metaalspecials, and sold by the De Cafe Racer company, the bicycle school bus (BCO in Dutch) is powered entirely by children and the one adult driver (although there is an electric motor for tough hills). Its simple design has eight sets of pedals for the kids (ages 4 to 12), a driver seat for the adult, and three bench seats for freeloaders. The top speed is about 10 miles per hour, and features a sound system and canvas awning to ward off rainy days.

Read more at Co.Exist: Link

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I envision a cool group of kids, cranking up the sound system with Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries",and most definitely cruising at a speed far in excess of the "maximum" 10 mph.
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