The world may be ending, but that's no reason to fret! Be prepared, instead! (That's so catchy we ought to trademark it). Meet the Doomsday "Preppers," survivalists who prepare for the coming Apocalypse and, in some cases, profit at the same time:
ABC's Nightline has more: Link (Warning: auto-start video) | National Geographic series about it: Doomsday Prepper"There's a lot of different things that could happen," Ralston said. "For me, I look at prepping as kind of like insurance. You have car insurance, health insurance, life insurance."
Call it Apocalypse insurance. Ralston turned his family's two-car garage into a staging area. Inside is a trailer, which he keeps packed and ready to go at all times, stockpiles of freeze-dried food, including cartons of canned chicken with a shelf life of 15 years, survival gear, such as a system for purifying polluted water, first aid kits and lots of weapons and ammunition. His son has his own AK-47.
"In the beginning, my wife really wasn't on the same page as I was," Ralston said. "But in reality, the more information I started to give to her, it opened up her eyes to the other potential threats that are out there."
On one of the most recent shows, the person was taking about inflation of 1300%, so it would cost 1300 times more. This is not correct, it would have been 13 times more. OK, this is still a lot, but he was off by a factor of 100. The show did not catch this.
Another thing the "expert assessor" did not comment on was the firefighter in NY. He indicated his air tank held 45 minutes and his food cache was 20 minutes away. This gave him just enough time to get to his cache, have 5 minutes, then get back. He didn't give himself any extra time. He was just perfect. In fact, during his test run, they said he made it under 45 minutes. I have a feeling it was just under, otherwise they might have highlighted the fact he did it in "35 minutes or 40 minutes"...
Two problems
#1: In a real situation, he would probably be breathing heavier, thus consuming more air and reducing his tank level.
#2: What if he is delayed by someone in the street...
Solution: Carry a second tank or have his cache closer to home.
Just because the grid will go down does not mean there will be nuclear fallout. First off, the cooling generators in nuclear powered plants are powered by.....the nuclear power plant. When cooling capacity is lost, a shutdown occurs and control rods prevent the core from heating up. If all-out Armageddon occurred and the plant was abandoned, the core would be flooded with water and neutron-absorbing rods/chemicals to keep the reactor from ever going critical. mushroom cloud. I used to operate nuclear power plants for the Navy. God bless you for serving, Marine.
I, for one, am a closet prepper. The most likely concern is a big earthquake in California. I do not have the monetary or time resources some of these people have -- 7+ hours a day! Wow! The very first people they shows building up a fortress made out of shipping containers --- these people ARE ALREADY living in a post apocalyptic world!
My plan after watching this show is to begin building up more water and rice. I have been acquiring some freeze dried food in the 10# containers. With a 30 year shelf life, I figure it is a good investment! I already have seven 20# bottles of propane. Yeah, not too much, but it is a start! Water is next ... start buying the 6 packs of 1 gallon jugs. I'm not looking for a long-haul, end of the world stuff, but prepping to be able to survive for at least 1 month is prudent for anyone!
My wife and I have also considered the purchase of a shotgun and perhaps a small arm.
NatGeo --- if you read this --- perhaps a few stories on "real people" planning for less cataclysmic scenarios, such as getting caught in the snow for a few days, an earthquake, hurricane, tornado...
That's why operational security (as some survivalists call it) is important for the thoroughly-prepared. If you're ready to face the end of the world as we know it, don't tell anyone.
Wouldn`t a real survialist kinda just keep a low profile not put all their gear on TV ?
He asked me if I have any survival plans and I said "Yeah.... I know where you live"
Although I'm prepared to shelter in place for two weeks and defend my home against a minor breakdown in civil order, that's about all that I can afford to do without financially compromising myself. Mostly, I try to take a moderate stance, which was nicely expressed by Les Jones when he encountered a survivalist blog post on guinea pig recipes:
I try not to judge. Different people fall at different points on the preparedness spectrum. Some people surely think I’m paranoid because I own guns and my 401K has silver and gold instead of stocks. Others surely think I’m an innocent little lamb because I don’t have a collection of AR-15s and a bomb shelter filled with MREs and gas masks. But brother, if you ever find yourself collecting chili recipes for guinea pig you should take a long, hard look at your life and ponder how you ever came to give up on the world.