Obvious Study of the Day Report: Men Show Off To Women

Here's one of those studies you probably didn't need science to tell you: guys show off to impress women.
In the experiment, a group of men and women (on the younger side, with an average age of 21) were given the opportunity to donate money to a fund, knowing they would get nothing in return other than the pride of their selflessness. Whether they were watched or not, women donated at the same rate. But men, when watched by women, donated at higher rates. They didn’t donate at higher rates when men watched.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm sure flabbergasted by this one. Who would have guessed?

Link Via The Jane Dough

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Yeah, but I enjoy every moment. Remember being greeted by a bevy of lovely ladies outside Publix before Christmas by the red kettle. I dropped in a nice donation.
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