Archive for January 2012

Harrison Ford Watches Indiana Jones

(YouTube link) Can you believe it? Harrison Ford hasn't actually sit down to watch the Indiana Jones films until just recently! Let's watch his reaction. Okay, I couldn't believe it, either. It's a mashup, made by...

The Underappreciated Genius of Stan Winston

Movie producers and directors have vision. Art directors and designers have ideas. And then there are people who are charged with getting these things done behind the scenes, on time and under budget. Special effects...

Kermit the Frog Sleeping Mask

A sleeping mask might seem like a dorky idea, but if you can get used to wearing one, they are quite valuable to light-sensitive people who must sleep during the day. Jacquie LongLegs needed one, and decided to make...

What is It? game 208

It is once again time for our collaboration with the ever-amusing What Is It? Blog! Do you know what this object is? If not, can you fake it? Place your guess in the comment section below. One guess per comment, p...

Underpants Bandages

Underpants Bandages - $4.95 Do you feel that boo-boos should covered up and protected from the elements? You should safe guard your  oozing sores with Underpants Bandages from the NeatoShop.  To be briefs, wounds sh...

Fast Food Flavors You Won't Find In The US

I recently posted an article about discontinued snack foods, and many of our readers pointed out that some of the foods were still available in other countries. As it turns out, fast food companies operate in a similar m...

You Can Really Taste The Dark Side In This Vader Burger

In what is sure to be the wackiest food marketing campaign yet, the French fast food chain Quick have released their Force burgers, to promote the release of The Phantom Menace in 3d. This bold, and absol...

Coast Guard Discovers Body, Which Turns Out To Be E.T.

The Coast Guard received a distress call about a body spotted floating off the coast of Old Portsmouth, Hants, and when they arrived they found that it was a creature from another planet! What they had actually di...

Custom Made Portal Heel Springs

These custom made heel springs, like the ones worn by the protagonist Chell in the Portal video game franchise, don't seem like a very useful creation in real life, but who needs function when the form is so...

Hamster-Powered Submarine

Don't worry, PETA! No hamsters were harmed in the making of this epic Hamster-powered Soda Bottle Submarine (Material cost of this awesomeness? $57!). Behold, HMS Hamstar! Hit play or go...

Lion King Meets The Dark Knight Rises Trailer

(YouTube Link) Anticipation for the new Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises has spawned so many parodies and mashups that it seems like a new one is springing up every week. This one's all about the Lion K...

Strangers Have A Jam Session On The Subway

(YouTube Link) New York is the kind of place where anything can happen at any moment, and although that comes with plenty of bad, this video shows that there are also many instances of spontaneous goodness going down,...

FATESCAPES: Iconic Photographs Without People

1968 Saigon - FATESCAPES/Osudové krajiny If that photo above looks strangely familiar, that's because, chances are, you actually have seen it before visual artist Pavel Maria Sme...

Twins Born 5 Years Apart

Reuben has a twin sister Floren, but you probably wouldn't believe him until you read this story. See, Rueben is five-year-old and Floren is only seven-weeks old. Here's the s...

Biopixels: Living "Neon Signs" Made From Bacteria

[YouTube Clip] This one is pretty neat: biologists at UC San Diego created a living "neon signs" made from glowing bacteria that fluoresce in unison:...

Art Student Covertly Hangs Painting in Art Museum

If you want something done right, you're better off doing it yourself. In that spirit, Polish art student Andrzej Sobiepan decided that his work belonged in a museum, regardless of what museum officials wanted. So when a...

Amazing Packing Tape Portraits

Max Zorn creates portraits consisting of backlit sheets of clear plastic with layers of brown masking tape carefully applied and trimmed with an X-Acto knife. He then hangs them on street lamps at night to place his...

Can You Scare Kids Into Losing Weight?

[YouTube Clip] Well, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta is trying. It's battling childhood obesity (Georgia is ranked second highest in the United States) with its new a...

Battlestar Galactica, The Classic Video Game

(Video Link) College Humor's parody hits the mark hard and often in this presentation of a 16-bit video game that never was. What combo do I have to hit to perform the Deus ex Machina move? -via blastr | Previous...

The Zoomable Van Gogh

What's so special about this print of Vincent van Gogh by artist Phil Hansen? Just zoom in a bit ... ... a bit more and you'll start seeing some letters ......

2% of Americans Thought Mitt Romney's First Name is "Mittens"

Photo: Ethan Miller Are we any smarter in 2012? 60 Minutes and Vanity Fair decided to poll Americans to test their common knowledge and found some gems like this one above of...

Denture Bottle Opener

Denture Bottle Opener - $9.95 Do you know someone who has a penchant for opening things with their teeth? Encourage them to protect those precious choppers while still allowing them to be true to themselves with the D...

"Beowulf" as Original Audiences Would Have Experienced It

(Video Link) Most of us experience the medieval epic poem "Beowulf" primarily in written form. But it was originally intended as an auditory experience, declaimed by skilled performers who transported their listener...

Airline Pilot Spots Flying Shark

It's every pilot's worst nightmare, yet most flight schools spend only two days on the topic: flying sharks. The pilot of a passenger jet flying into Christchurch, New Zealand spotted a flying shark Air Swimmer toy movin...

Stealth Mountain

Are you sad because no one ever responds to your Tweets? Here's a sure-fire way to get a reply. Stealth Mountain describes his account as follows (I may be wrong, but the muscles on the avatar look male): I alert twitte...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Convertible Beanie

Etsy seller Pamela Joyce Tan-Javate has just what you need to keep warm in the sewer during winter. A true fan, she offers to make custom beanies to match the styles of different eras of the TMNT franchise....

...But the Cat Came Back

Plucky Andrea the stray cat used up a couple of her nine lives, but would not succumb to the animal shelter's attempts to euthanize her. Officials at West Valley City's animal shelter in Utah say the cat named Andrea ha...

The Snow Monsters of Japan

Think of them as snowy versions of the Weeping Angels. During the winter, you can find snow-covered trees in northern Japan. They are called juhyou and are known for a ghostly appearance. Link -via Oddity Central...

Felted Fantastic Four Cover

Felt knitting master D. Campbell MacKinlay reproduced a 1966 Jack Kirby cover right down to the details of the Comics Code logo. The best part is that Grimm's mitts project out of the surface. Link -via Nerdcore |...

iPad Accepted in Lieu of Passport

A man entering the U.S. from Canada was able to cross the border without his passport by presenting a scan of it on his iPad. And no one even bothered to yell "Photoshop!" Martin Reisch said Tuesday a slightly annoyed U...


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