Spicy Vegan Vodka Shots in Chocolate Glasses

We've previously featured Spabettie's scrumptious-looking vegan s'more cocktails. The cups were made out of chocolate using Cool Shooters ice trays, so you can devour them with no clean up concerns.

Now Spabettie is continuing with the same theme, this time using vegan white chocolate. She poured a pepper-infused vodka into the chocolate cups to create a hot Valentine's Day treat.

Link -via Tasteologie

To the genius who thinks dairy-free chocolate should not be even considered or named chocolate (seriously?)!Chocolate is a vegetable so I guess your mind has been blown. To say "vegan chocolate" is not chocolate just because it doesn't contain the breast milk of a particular animal species some of you enjoy it's just...insane.Chocolate is naturally vegan, just because some of you choose to mix it with animal fluids or whatever you might like doesn't make it less of a plant!
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"vegan white chocolate"

So basically, not chocolate. (I know, it has cocoa butter, and I love white chocolate on occasion, but taking the milk out of it just seems to make it all that much more wrong to call it chocolate of any sort.)
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