Those of us who don't play the latest video games are missing out on the excellent music composed or adapted specifically for them. Paul Tassi at Unreality magazine posted his ten favorite video game soundtracks, with YouTube clips so you can listen.
Of course, taste in music varies, so others contributed suggestions in the comments. I thought of "Baba Yetu" from Civilization IV, the main theme from The Legend of Zelda, and of course, Tetris, but then I'm no gamer, so the list is all new to me. Try his ten out and let us know if your favorites are included. Link
My friends all laugh at me, because whenever I drive anywhere, the first song playing from my iPod is generally from a video game or movie soundtrack. I’m a product of my environment, and my musical tastes are heavily influenced by movies, trailers, tv shows and games, and as such I have “terrible” taste in music according to everyone else. So be it.
Of course, taste in music varies, so others contributed suggestions in the comments. I thought of "Baba Yetu" from Civilization IV, the main theme from The Legend of Zelda, and of course, Tetris, but then I'm no gamer, so the list is all new to me. Try his ten out and let us know if your favorites are included. Link
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