Cosplayer Shares A Personal Account Of What The Hobby Means To Her

(YouTube Link)

If you've ever found yourself wondering "What's the deal with cosplayers?" (hopefully in an internal voice that sounds like Jerry Seinfeld), then you should find this video informative and enlightening.

And, while the girl featured in the video can only speak out of personal experience, the sentiments expressed seem to be echoed by her fellow cosplayers, at least according to their comments and posts across the Interwebs.

So, did this video give you a better understanding of cosplay culture, or simply make you dislike the whole thing even more?

--via Geeks Are Sexy

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Anything that promotes using your imagination is a plus in my eyes. The world is too serious and often depressing. Injecting a little fun, silliness, or creativity into it is a real mood booster and sharing that with other people is priceless.
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