The Ridiculous Anti-Ninja Turtles Campaign From The 90s

(YouTube Link)

Apparently there was a group of Canadian moralists who fought against violent, corrupting influences on children in the early 90s, and made their message known in a propaganda film entitled Not Just Fun And Games.

These squares despised toys, and had an awful lot of bad things to say about our beloved Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, probably because their fathers never bought them that G.I. Joe doll they always wanted.

Why pile on more hate for the poor mutants, morality police-haven't they been through enough? I mean, they already live in the sewer, what more do you want?

--via The Daily What

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I say this because it is common among esoteric (truly esoteric) teachings that when the individual becomes liberated from the prison of egotism their value system is inverted and that which they detested becomes desirable, and that which they desired detestable.
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If Jesus literally turned water into wine then that would make him a magician, but if he turned people away from wine and onto water that would make him a true spiritual leader. I think the expression is misinterpreted to mean that he literally changed water into wine and not that by the administration of some wisdom his followers' desires shifted to water from wine, as if the value of the two substances had been inverted.
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@Jolly: Do the details of the fairy tale really matter? Jesus did all kinds of unbelievable things, such as curing blindness, walking on water, turning water into wine, feeding many people off a few fish and bread, and last but not least: Resurrecting after death. If that's not an astonishing feat of magic, then what is it?
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