You Can Help Develop Dungeons And Dragons 5th Edition

What do old school tabletop gamers, people who have recently discovered pen and paper roleplaying games, and those who are sick of paying a monthly fee for their MMO and/or want to actually see their fellow players sitting across from them have in common? Wizards of the Coast want you to help them develop the fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons.

Straight from the dragon's mouth:

Liz Schuh, head of publishing and licensing for Dungeons & Dragons spoke with the New York Times about their new venture. The game “is a unique entertainment experience because it’s crafted by the players at the table, and every gaming session is different,’ said Schuh. “We want to take that idea of the players crafting that experience to the next level and say: ‘Help us craft the rules. Help us craft how this game is played.’”

I am an avid tabletop gamer, and I've been playing games like Dungeons and Dragons since the eighties, so I can see how player input could be invaluable to the process of creating a new edition of their game. But is it really necessary to keep updating the game, when preexisting rules can be adapted? What do you guys think -- is this a necessary update, or a Kraken sized advertising campaign?

Link  --via The Mary Sue

It's been several years since I've played D&D or any RPG, but I was content with Second Edition rules. I do remember thinking that 3.5 was an unnecessary change to 3.0 and probably just a way of trying to get players to buy a new set of books.
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I started playing with 3.5, and always felt that 4 was too similar to an mmo. Every character could heal themselves, and all the abilities were based on encounters, not days. They took out all the planning and teamwork.
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I felt the same way about 4th, Cade. I hope they're coming out with a new set because they're trying to revert back to some of the old gameplay rules.
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We haven't gone past 3.5. 4e just never interested us. Course we also held onto the 2nd books for way too long, but I think that was probably my favorite iteration.
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Well, not really. If playtesting is happening and the are releasing this year, 99% of the rules are already in place. They are just looking for holes not, design changes...
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They aren't necessarily releasing this year. In fact, they've announced that they are going to have a very long open beta with the aim of giving the players real input into the rules. I've read some predictions that said it wasn't going to be released until 2014
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I still have my 2e books... somewhere. 2e was the last one I played and DM'd extensively. I played 3.0 once or twice when it was new, but that's about it.


I haven't played 4, but I have heard about it's gameplay. From what I have heard, MMOs have had a heavy influence on it's play. I was disappointed to hear that... I couldn't get into any MMO's of any genre and I don't particularly care for them. You give me a open world like in GTA IV that's a Zombie MMO and I'm there.

You can tell that's a real game session picture and not staged with models. To the right you can see the "My First Dice Bag," the ubiquitous Crown Royal bag. :)
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My gut is that WotC is scrambling to make up for the many fissures that 3.0/3.5/4E/DD Insider have caused to D&D's standing in pen and paper rpgs. My group has switch to Pathfinder after a stint playing 4E.

I'm really liking Pathfinder, though I was a staunch holdout for D&D. They still sell pdf books and they allow SRD's. These are huge for a group like mine where we can't all afford to buy new rule books. The open access to there system allows us to get our less rule inclined players to get to the game.
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I am still playing a 2e AD&D campaign. We never found the newer editions to have the substance the old ones did. I have a few 3e and 3.5e, but I bought them for maps, traps, and the like and converted them to 2e. And the amount of material for 2e is just immense, about 1,000 TSR books, about another 2,000 third party books, a ton of magazines, and almost everything from every fantasy RPG since can be easily converted in my head in seconds. The newer versions are like offering a single, really high-end computer to a guy who has an advanced render farm of them, it might do what it does really well, but has nowhere near the breadth of power and options.
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If they want help deciding how the game will be played would they consider someone who has always wanted to do work for wizards of the coast. I always wanted to design a Magic the gathering card. So when I saw that there might be a chance no matter how bleak the chance, this is my attempt. Please email me if there is a chance I could do some artwork. thanks
Jason O'Dell
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Bah. 4th ed just barely came out and now they want to crap out a 5th ed already? What a joke, it's just about more money for the publisher...

3.5 has held up the best for us... Actually, Pathfinder is what my group has been playing since it came out... and it is WAY better than 4th ed.
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I've played D&D (Basic - Immortal sets), AD&D, and AD&D 2nd ed., and then I discovered VAMPIRE THE MASQUERADE and AMBER DICELESS RPG, and became I role-player!

I say became a role-player, because D&D has always been close to itself solo-wargaming roots. You don't play a character with a personality, relationships, desires and fears, you play a set of combat skills based on dice rolls.

I've dabbled in 3.0, 3.5, and 4th, and though the rules have changed, the core ideal of "Let's committ theft and genocide, so we can level-up", has never changed. The game doesn't encourage character dialogue, emotions or even thinking. And quite frankly, I'm tired of D&D players with their disposable-character attitudes.

I don't care about 5th D&D, because short of it not being D&D, it's still going to be theft & genocide, and not a role-playing game.
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