Archive for January 7th, 2012

Muppet Album Covers

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew has finally driven Beaker so completely insane that he's indistinguishable from Iron Maiden's iconic Eddie the Head. Brian Snoddy made this altered cover. At the link, you can find one of Gonzo...

25 Clever Ideas to Make Life Easier

Yes, they may be first world problems, but there should be no guilt in finding an easier way to do everyday tasks. Storing wrapping paper against the ceiling is one way to declutter. See the other 25 ideas at The Dai...

The Terrifying Roar of a Lion

(YouTube link) Leo is learning, so stop laughing or he will eat you ...someday! -via reddit...

Hirezake: The Poisonous Cocktail

Make sure that your bartender knows what he's doing, or else you'll die. The hirezake is a mixture of warm rice wine and a fried fugu fish. That's the same fish that is poisonous if not expertly prepared. So if your...

The Wizard of Oz Potatoheads

The Wizard of Oz Potatoheads | $59.95 Mr. Potatohead comes in a Wizard of Oz flavor! This Mr. Potatohead Wizard of Oz set comes with four 5" tall Mr. Potatohead figures dressed as Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man,...

How A Blind Person Cooks Food Alone

(YouTube link) The secret is, apparently, lots of beer! Tommy Edison, the Blind Film Critic, takes us through a meal of burger and fries. -via the PresurferTommy Edison, blind...

Piston Clock

Etsy seller Steven Shaver turns old car parts into cufflinks, belt buckles and clocks. Here's a desk clock that is built into a piston from an old Volvo engine. Don't worry -- you won't have to change the oil in this...

This Week at Neatorama

The first week of January means back to work! And put the Christmas decorations away! Mine are packed, except for that last box, which is waiting for the kids to take the rest of the candy out of their Christmas stocking...

Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop

A 30-year-old man in Madison, Wisconsin has found a sure-fire way to get his 15 minutes of fame on the internet. Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop, 30, was arrested Thursday afternoon on charges of carrying a concealed...

Charles Addams Honored with Doodle

The man who originally created the Addams family would have been 100 years old today, if he hadn't died in 1988. Charles Addams was a cartoonist at The New Yorker and began drawing the ghoulish yet humorous...

The Top Ten Cutest Critters of 2011

Cute Overload is the internet Mecca for all things cute, which is why their list of top ten cutest critter photos might just be one of the best  end of the year lists you'll see this month. While many of the picture...

Man Spends $16,000 On An In-Game Sword

Oh, and did I mention that the game hasn't even been released yet? Developers of the upcoming game Age of Wulan thought that auctioning off exclusive items for their new MMORPG would be a good way to help...

Do You Want to Stop The Watchmen Prequel?

Well, you probably won't actually be able to, but if you really are opposed to the Watchmen prequel, you can always take a stand and  sign the petition to get the movie newly proposed comic book stopped before it starts...

Watch A Dog Play With A Pig, Then Smile

(Video Link) These two critters are rescued animals that now reside over at the Hillside Animal Sanctuary. Aren't they adorable together? Via GeekosystemCute, videos, animals, dogs, pigs, sanctuaries...

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