Odd Google Street View Scene

Something weird is in the air at Foxoak St, Cradley Heath, West Midlands B64, United Kingdom. Check it out on Google Street View, but only look up if you are brave enough! Link -via Dangerous Minds

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Ella! The Doctor didn't kill any of the Sycorax but one! Harriet Jones and Torchwood blew up the ship, and the Doctor was PISSED! Pissed enough to ruin her career even!
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Well, I Googled your references. The aircraft boneyard is pretty well known from way back, but I'm not familiar with the website you cited. I remember the swearing crop "circle" but never found it worth posting, and I have never heard of The Stig until just now. If someone found him on Street View, I'm not sure what the comedic value would be.
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My point was that it was splattered all over the interwebs a couple of years ago. That was just one example of the many sites that reposted it - it was far from being the original. It surprises me that there is anybody left who hasn't seen that before.

Next you'll be telling me you haven't seen the multiply exposed aircraft, the swearing crop "circles" or The Stig on Google Maps/Streetview.
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