Boil Water Inside a Paper Pot

(Video Link)

The Hexa Pot is a collapsible cooking pot made from biodegradable paper.The idea is that you don't need to lug around an metal pot when you go camping. Just take one of these. If you need to boil water to make it potable, such as during a natural disaster, whip this out of your bug-out bag and start heating up the water. You can bring the pot to a full boil, even though it's made out of paper.

Link -via Tech Crunch

Cool- but you can do this in a plain brown paper bag or other things- you don't need the 'fancy stuff' as far as I can tell. (
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When I was teaching, I boiled water in a paper cup (non waxed of course)the demonstrate the boiling point of water vs. the ignition point of paper. The students who had read Ray Bradbury's book or saw the lame movie then knew what that temperature was.
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I read a bit of trivia years ago about how you can also boil water in a leather bag. The native American Indians would use an animal skin pouch to hold water and hang it over a fire to heat the water. The moisture from the water kept the pouch from burning.
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Looks like yet another case of somebody making money from the fact that they know a simple thing that most people don't. In the internet age with information so easilly accessible you would think this sort of thing wouldn't happen, but it's probably more common than ever.
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