A Handy App That Identifies Fonts Used On Websites

Have you ever wanted a particular font used on a website for yourself? A new app, called Fount, is here to help you identify these fonts, and it works like a charm!

After dragging the Fount button to your bookmarks bar as instructed, it sits there waiting for you to call it to action. Click the Fount button, then use the crosshair to click and identify any font on any webpage (except for text being used as a link, for some reason). It even tells you the size, style and character weight.

Now you can complete your collection of fonts, or figure out which fonts a website is using, and gain some style points at the same time.

Link  --via DesignTAXI

That's really awesome! I saw something a few days ago and I really wanted to know what the font was. I even checked it against all the fonts I had installed. Unfortunately I can't remember where I saw it now.
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Typeface: is the design of the alphabet--the shape of the letters that make up the typestyle. The letters, numbers, and symbols that make up a design of type. So when you say “Arial” or “Goudy” you’re talking about a set of letters in a specific style.

Font: is the digital file that contains/describes the typeface. Think of the font as a little piece of software that tells the computer and printer how to display and print the typeface.

Typeface – A set of fonts in the same style. Or, in other words, a font family. Ex: Times New Roman, Helvetica, or Arial.

Font – A single kind of typeface. Ex: Times New Roman in 10 point size is a font, and Times New Roman in 14 point size is also a font. Times New Roman in Bold is also a font. (Basically designating a specific type inside of a typeface is a font.)

This program clearly identifies the font, not necessarily the entire typeface, so Barking Bud you're simply splitting hairs at this point.
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