Archive for January 5th, 2012

Mega Man's Christmas Carol 2 Arrives A Little Too Late

(YouTube Link) The 2011 holiday season is obviously over, and I'm sure most of you have already put away your decorations and chucked out your tree, ready to start a new year full of whatever 2012 has in store. But wa...

Yoda And Darth Maul Battle It Out For Lipton Brisk

(YouTube Link) Continuing the parade of "dear god, make it stop!" inducing advertising for The Phantom Menace in 3D, a new animated commercial has emerged for Lipton Brisk Iced Tea that, I must admit, is beau...

Let's Play Ancient Greek Punishment

Ever wondered what it would have been like to endure a raven pecking out your liver, or pushing a rock up a hill and never reaching the top, like a punishment fit for a Greek from the age of myth? Well, here's you...

Retrode Lets You Play Real SNES And Sega Genesis Games

If you love playing old school games via emulators, yet you have a stack of Sega Genesis and/or Super Nintendo cartridges just sitting around gathering dust, then you might want to look into purchasing a Retrode-a US...

The Most Comical Star Trek Parody I've Ever Seen

(YouTube Link)  This ridiculous parody comes to us courtesy of Turkish YouTubers dokuztaneprogramla, who appear to have a knack for making cheese, and mistranslating Turkish into English. At least I hope some of thos...

Doctor Who Crew Does The Proclaimers

(Video Link) I don't know about any of you, but to me, David Tennant was the best doctor ever and the cast and crew that worked on the show during his reign were also some of the best the show has ever seen. That's wh...

Now That's How You Get Extra Tips

Most people who want extra tip money try to write something clever on their jars, but the geniuses over at Depanneur, a grocery store in Brooklyn, know just hot to get the dollars moving: make it a contest between tw...

A WOW Deathwing Cake

There are plenty of great video game cakes out there, but this one "takes the cake" when it comes to epicness. Just look at how devilishly detailed this World of Warcraft Deathwing looks. http://www.thedomesticsci...

Solar Heater Made from Can Lids Will Boil a Jar of Water

It takes two hours on a sunny day, but this solar heater built by engineering students at Humboldt State University in California works. It's made from waste materials, specifically can lids. These are held together...

The Cutest New Years Babies Ever

New Year's babies are considered to be good luck, but when you're as adorable as these baby leopard tortoises, you certainly don't need to worry about luck. These little cuties were born at the Zoo Pragu, three on Ne...

New Nike Ad Will Either Amuse or Infuriate You

The word below the swoosh is "run". Annie Chiu designed this and other unconventional street advertisements to encourage you to purchase Nike running gear. Link -via Blame It on the Voicesbench ads, Nike, benches...

Princess Leia Vapor Hologram Is Our Only Hope

(Video Link) Chris Weisbart's hologram is actually light projected from the rear onto a thin sheet of water vapor. Although Weisbart does effects like this professionally, this unit is built from old scrap parts, in...

Spider-Man Themed Bathroom

We've all been in a situation when a bathroom experience would only be enhanced if there were realistic representations of supervillains trying to break through the wall and kill us. Probably daily. So rileyreplicas,...

Bat House

The Spanish art collective Estres would like to remind you that your cuddly neighborhood chiropterans need a place to live, too. So they turned a birdhouse upside down! Link -via Super Punchbats, birdhouses...

Aquarium Sink

This classy, if a tad expensive ($4,500!) sink doesn't come with fish, but it does offer a habitat for them. There's a light in the back as well as access ports on the top. The producer recommends that you get a prof...

Bat-Signal Papasan Chair

Traveling all the way from Wayne Manor to the Gotham City Police Department headquarters takes the wind out of a crimefighter. Sit down and rest a bit before taking on the next case. Instructables user Orvis has ju...

Swiss Measuring Spoons

Swiss Measuring Spoons - $9.95 You took an oath to always be prepared, but sometimes even the best chef needs a little assistance. If your old measuring spoons no longer measure-up get yourself a set of handy dandy Sw...

Strategic Homelessness

A law student at Yeshiva University in New York City who goes by the pseudonym "David" weighed his options carefully. If he timed his use of university and gym facilities just right, could he go through a semester withou...

Mirror Finish DeLorean

Autopia forums user AkamaiDetailing's DeLorean is a thing of beauty. As long as it can still reach 88 MPH, it'll be just fine. -via Boing...

Woven Paracord Bracelet Contains Hidden Handcuff Key

Kevin Mitnick, a computer security consultant and convicted hacker, worries that he might be kidnapped while traveling through more dangerous parts of Latin America. So he casually wears a bracelet of woven paracord....

The World's Most Expensive Tuna

How much would you pay for a piece of really fresh sushi? A sushi restaurant has just bought what is the world's most expensive fish: $736,000 for a bluefin tuna caught off the coast...

Best NYT Correction Ever

A couple of weeks ago, the New York Times ran a great article entitled Navigating Love and Autism. A day later, it was forced to add a correction, apparently by the many fans of My Little Pony. Link -via Buzzfeednews...

Dr. Seuss in Gotham City

DevantART member DrFaustusAU, who brought us Horton Hears The Call of Cthulhu and Dr. Seuss' Ghostbusters, has done it again! See his versions of Batman, Catwoman, the Riddler, the Joker, and Harvey Dent in the style...

Obama on Mars?

Danger Room tells us of a claim made by Andrew D. Basiago and William Stillings, a pair of self-proclaimed time-traveling government agents, that President Obama was part of a CIA mission to explore Mars beginning in 198...

Hairy Crab Dubbed "The Hoff"

If you were to find a new species of animal with a hairy chest, it would only make sense to name it after actor David Hasselhoff. That's what happened when a new hairy species of yeti crab was documented near thermal ven...

Belgian Fries

If you ever get tired of French fries, you might want to try some Belgian fries (frites) -but be warned they aren't quite "fast food." In Belgium, fries are taken very seriously. They are the centerpiece of frit...

Harrison Ford Watches Indiana Jones

(YouTube link) Can you believe it? Harrison Ford hasn't actually sit down to watch the Indiana Jones films until just recently! Let's watch his reaction. Okay, I couldn't believe it, either. It's a mashup, made by...

The Underappreciated Genius of Stan Winston

Movie producers and directors have vision. Art directors and designers have ideas. And then there are people who are charged with getting these things done behind the scenes, on time and under budget. Special effects...

Kermit the Frog Sleeping Mask

A sleeping mask might seem like a dorky idea, but if you can get used to wearing one, they are quite valuable to light-sensitive people who must sleep during the day. Jacquie LongLegs needed one, and decided to make...

What is It? game 208

It is once again time for our collaboration with the ever-amusing What Is It? Blog! Do you know what this object is? If not, can you fake it? Place your guess in the comment section below. One guess per comment, p...


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