Twins Born 5 Years Apart


Reuben has a twin sister Floren, but you probably wouldn't believe him until you read this story. See, Rueben is five-year-old and Floren is only seven-weeks old.

Here's the story of twins born 5 years apart:

Even at his young age Reuben is aware of the special relationship he has with his seven-week-old sister, although his parents said it would be a while before he fully understands.

''He knows that she's been in the freezer – he likes to say she has been in the freezer with the chips and the chicken – so he is sort of aware that she is his twin, but obviously he doesn't really understand how it's all worked really,'' his mother said.

''They do look very similar. Reuben was just a bigger version of Floren when he was born, so certainly there are similarities physically.

''She does look like a mini version of him really.''

The Telegraph has the story: Link (Photo: Ben Birchall)

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I'm inclined to agree with J. This really isn't "news". This family just wanted attention. IVF is costly so the eggs are harvested initially and then frozen until used. Frozen outside the body until used instead of being kept in the body until used.

By this standard, we are all mulitples to our siblings because we are all from eggs that came from our mother's womb.

This child will probably be picked on if he ever tries to convince anyone that his sister is his twin. Shame on his parents for putting this wild idea in his head and setting him up for a childhood of being laughed at.
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This isn't news; it happens all the time at fertility clinics when people do IVF. The only difference between this couple and many others I know of is that they decided to call their kids "twins" because the embryos were created at the same time. Given that the kids never shared wombspace, that's a bit of a stretch, but whatever they call it the experience is not even remotely unique.

If the children were in fact identical twins born five years apart, now that would be news.
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