The Language of Stamps

Back when people sent a lot of letters and postcards through the mail, the position of a stamp could send a message of its own. The "code" became popular around 1890, after it was written up in a Hungarian newspaper. It was printed on postcards in several European languages so a correspondent could clue in a recipient for future reference. See a collection of these postcards explaining the meaning of your stamp at Poemas del río Wang. Link -via TYWKIWDBI

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I remember doing the upside down stamp thing with an old girl friend back in the day. Also we wrote such things as SWAK on the back. When I was serving in the Army she would put perfume and leave a lipstick mark on the back. The guys in my platoon would razz me about it.
Funniest was when my younger son was sending a letter to his Grandparents. He drew a crude version of a stamp on the envelope and mailed it. It went through, back in the days of postage due. Thanks for the memories.
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"since Hungary has never been known as a
bastion of lovers. Unless one lives there I suppose"

I know what you mean...I used to have problems finding a date in Italy before they populated it with people.
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As Alice said things are getting curiouser and curiouser. Back in the day, many years ago, when I was known to do such things the upside down stamp meant I love you. The way it is shown makes no sense since it means you love everyone you send a normal letter to. Plus a lot of folks don't know the code and that in itself could lead to problems. The entire thing seems a bit suspect since Hungary has never been known as a
bastion of lovers. Unless one lives there I suppose.

Does anyone remember the system to send someone a letter w/o putting a stamp on it? Doubt if it would work these days.
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What if the stamp slid into the wrong position just as the glue set up? Oh no. I meant to say "I am not free", but now it says "Your love delights me."
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