Tubalr Wants To Change The Way We Watch YouTube Vids

Have you ever wished for a way to filter through all the crap on YouTube and find the music videos you're craving in a world devoid of music television? (MTV is clearly no longer about the music, thanks guys).

Well, the makers of Tubalr want to help, and their service will make cutting through the nonsense, and getting to those sweet music videos by your favorite bands, a snap. Here's a bit more about how it works:

Looking past the fact that Tubalr has a downright ridiculous name (is that supposed to be tubular? Tuba Lore? Two-baller? No idea), it’s quite great. You punch in an artist name, then pick either “only” (to play only that artist’s videos) or “similar” (to play videos from similar artists.) It queues up a big playlist, and you can go about your business as the tunes play on. Think Pandora’s concept, mashed up with Youtube’s music video archive.

I wonder if this will become popular enough to make stations like MTV reconsider their reality TV programming in favor of playing  music videos all the time like the good old days. Probably won't happen while there is still money to be made off the Jersey Shore phenomenon, but a guy can dream can't he?!

Link --via TechCrunch

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Yes, music lovers like myself still love watching music videos, or else I wouldn't have posted the article! And besides, music videos are very cinematic nowadays, and a lot of fun to watch. For someone named Jolly you sure are Grumpy!
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